Gross Domestic Income

Quarterly - Percent Change from Preceding Quarter
Q2 2024 (Preliminary)+1.3%
Q1 2024+1.3%
Annual - Percent Change from Preceding Year

Real gross domestic income (GDI) is a measure of the incomes earned and the costs incurred in the production of gross domestic product. It's another way of measuring U.S. economic activity. BEA also publishes the average of real GDP and real GDI.  

  • Current release: August 29, 2024
  • Next release: September 26, 2024

What is Gross Domestic Income?

A measure of U.S. economic activity based on incomes. In theory, GDI should equal gross domestic product, but the different source data yield different results. BEA considers GDP more reliable because it's based on timelier, more expansive data.

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Director's Blog: Measuring the Economy

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