State Personal Income: First Quarter 2014

State personal income increased 0.8 percent on average in the first quarter of 2014, an acceleration from the 0.5 percent growth in the fourth quarter of 2013. Personal income grew in 46 states and growth accelerated in 24 of those states.

BEA Listens to Customers' Ideas on How to Unleash Data

As one of the federal government’s premier producers of economic statistics, the Bureau of Economic Analysis is all about data all of the time.

A Big Day for Big Data: The Beginning of Our Data Transformation

Wednesday, June 18, 2014, was a big day for big data. The Commerce Department participated in the inaugural Open Data Roundtable at the White House, with GovLab at NYU and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.

International Statistical Update: Health- and Education-Related Travel Now Part of Travel Services

You may have noticed some data on international travel services look a little bit different.

Attention Developers: More Economic Statistics Added to BEA's API

Developers, do you want to bring more detailed economic data to your next app? The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) recently added several data sets to the application programming interface (API) we launched last year.

Advance GDP by State Statistics: Widespread But Slower Growth in 2013

Real GDP increased in 49 states in 2013. Leading industry contributors were nondurable-goods manufacturing; real estate and rental and leasing; and agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting. Nondurable-goods manufacturing was the largest contributor to U.S.

April 2014 Trade Gap is $47.2 Billion

With this release, statistics on trade in goods and services for January 1999 to March 2014 are revised to reflect newly available and revised source data, changes in estimation methods, and changes in definitions and classifications.

Real Consumer Spending Falls in April

Personal income increased 0.3 percent in April after increasing 0.5 percent in March. Wages and salaries, the largest component of personal income, increased 0.2 percent after increasing 0.6 percent.

GDP Declines in First Quarter

 Real gross domestic product (GDP) decreased 1.0 percent in the first quarter of 2014, according to the “second” estimate released today by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. In the fourth quarter of 2013, real GDP increased 2.6 percent.

Restructured International Accounts to Offer More Detailed Look at U.S. Trade and Investment

In June, BEA’s international data will be most significant restructuring of BEA’s international data since 1976.

March 2014 Trade Gap Is $40.4 Billion

The U.S. monthly international trade deficit decreased in March 2014 according to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis and the U.S. Census Bureau. The deficit decreased from $41.9 billion in February (revised) to $40.4 billion in March as exports increased more than imports.