This page provides access to papers and presentations prepared by BEA staff. Abstracts are presented in HTML format; complete papers are in PDF format with selected tables in XLS format. The views expressed in these papers are solely those of the authors and not necessarily those of the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis or the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Accounting for R&D in the National Accounts

Dennis J. Fixler
JEL Code(s)O34

Integrated GDP-Productivity Accounts

Michael J. Harper, Brent R. Moulton, Steven Rosenthal, David B. Wasshausen
JEL Code(s)None Assigned

Estimates of State and Metropolitan Price Levels for Consumption Goods and Services in the United States, 2005

Price indexes are commonly used in time-to-time economic series to adjust for changes in price levels across years. This paper estimates price parities within the U.S., defined as an adjustment for differences in price levels across geographic areas at one point in time. The term parity is more… Read more

Bettina H. Aten
JEL Code(s)C43

Do Intangible Assets Explain High U.S. Foreign Direct Investment Returns?

U.S. investors abroad receive a higher return on their assets than their counterparts that invest in the United States. I examine the degree to which excluding intangible assets from the measurement of foreign direct investment can account for this gap. Using a growth accounting framework, I… Read more

Benjamin R. Bridgman
JEL Code(s)F21

Seasonality and Prepackaged Software Price Indexes

In this paper, we construct a seasonally-adjusted price index for prepackaged software using detailed and comprehensive scanner data from the NPD Group. We document a large sales surge over the winter-holiday and claim that this seasonality is being driven by consumer heterogeneity. We introduce… Read more

Adam Copeland
JEL Code(s)None Assigned

The Importance of Pricing the Bundle of Treatments

In this paper, we explore the importance of shifts in treatments for explaining increases in the cost of health care services. Using a large database of health insurance claims for sample patients, we find that there have been shifts in treatment intensity that have an important effect on costs… Read more

Ana M. Aizcorbe, Nicole Nestoriak
JEL Code(s)None Assigned

State-Level Wage AGI Gap for Tax Years 2000-2002

The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), under contract with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Office of Research, undertook an update of BEA’s state-level wage reconciliation for 2000 between BEA wages and salaries and IRS wages and salaries in Adjusted Gross Income. The initial reconciliation… Read more

Robert L. Brown, Ann E. Dunbar
JEL Code(s)D31

Metropolitan Area Disposable Personal Income: Methodology and Results for 2001-2004

The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) publishes annual estimates of state disposable personal income, the difference between state personal income and state personal current taxes. BEA also publishes annual estimates of personal income for sub-state areas, but BEA does not publish corresponding… Read more

Ann E. Dunbar
JEL Code(s)D31

Toward a Health Care Satellite Account


Ana M. Aizcorbe, Bonnie A. Retus, Shelly Smith
JEL Code(s)None Assigned

Domestic Outsourcing and Imported Inputs in the U.S. Economy: Insights from Integrated Economic Accounts

Robert Yuskavage, Erich H. Strassner, Gabriel W. Medeiros
JEL Code(s)None Assigned