This page provides access to papers and presentations prepared by BEA staff. Abstracts are presented in HTML format; complete papers are in PDF format with selected tables in XLS format. The views expressed in these papers are solely those of the authors and not necessarily those of the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis or the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Indirect Investment: FCS, USM, or 50% Ownership

Ralph Kozlow
JEL Code(s)None Assigned

Another Look At Nonresidential Building Prices

In the early 1990's, former BEA Chief Statistician Frank de Leeuw explored the possibility of using project data from F.W. Dodge to estimate hedonic price indexes for nonresidential buildings. He rejected the idea citing the lack of “quality” characteristics in the data and that the results were… Read more

Leonard J. Loebach
JEL Code(s)None Assigned

The Effects of the Quality Adjustment Method on Price Indices for Digital Cameras

In this paper, the author tests different hedonic and conventional quality adjustment methods in a uniform, but somewhat unconventional, descriptive framework. The main aim is to address questions on hedonic quality adjustment methods and their robustness in index compilation. The author does… Read more

Kari Manninen
JEL Code(s)None Assigned

International Trade and Economic Growth: A Possible Methodology for Estimating Cross-Border R&D Spillovers

The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) has initiated a National Science Foundation (NSF) funded project to produce an official BEA/NSF R&D Satellite Account (R&DSA). This paper presents a possible trade-based methodology for estimating cross-border R&D spillovers, which reflects an… Read more

Lawrence R. McNeil, Barbara M. Fraumeni
JEL Code(s)O33

Moore's Law and the Semiconductor Industry: A Vintage Model

Ana M. Aizcorbe, Samuel Kortum
JEL Code(s)None Assigned

Alternative Measures of Household Income: BEA Personal Income, CPS Money Income and Beyond

This paper has been prepared for presentation to the Federal Economic Statistics Advisory Committee (FESAC) on December 14, 2004. It represents work in progress and does not represent any agency's final positions on issues addressed. The FESAC is a Federal Advisory Committee sponsored jointly by… Read more

Adrienne T. Pilot, John W. Ruser, Charles Nelson (Census Bureau)
JEL Code(s)D31

Using Efficiency Tests to Reduce Revisions in Panel Data: The Case of Wage and Salary Estimates for U.S. States

This paper studies the preliminary estimates of state wage and salary growth produced by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), investigating whether they may be improved using basic efficiency tests. State wage and salary growth can be thought of as the sum of two components, an aggregate… Read more

Jeremy J. Nalewaik
Last Updated
JEL Code(s)None Assigned

Recent U.S. Progress in Collecting Data on Derivatives

This note briefly summarizes work conducted in the United States over the past several years to design a report form that collects comprehensive data on U.S. positions and transactions in derivative financial instruments.

Ralph Kozlow
JEL Code(s)None Assigned

Revisions to GDP Estimates in the U.S.

Dennis J. Fixler
JEL Code(s)None Assigned

News, Noise, and Estimates of the "True" Unobserved State of the Economy

Which provides a better estimates of the growth rate of “true” U.S. output, gross domestic product (GDP) or gross domestic income (GDI)? Past work has assumed the idiosyncratic variation in each estimate is pure noise, taking greater variability to imply lower reliability. We develop models that… Read more

Dennis J. Fixler, Jeremy J. Nalewaik
Last Updated
JEL Code(s)E01