This page provides access to papers and presentations prepared by BEA staff. Abstracts are presented in HTML format; complete papers are in PDF format with selected tables in XLS format. The views expressed in these papers are solely those of the authors and not necessarily those of the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis or the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Distributive Services in the U.S. Economic Accounts

Distributive services industries such as wholesale trade and retail trade have contributed significantly to productivity growth in the U.S. nonfarm business sector during the past decade. Bosworth and Triplett found that retail trade alone contributed nearly one-half to the acceleration of… Read more

Robert Yuskavage
JEL Code(s)None Assigned

Outsourcing and Imported Services in BEA's Industry Accounts

Robert Yuskavage, Erich H. Strassner, Gabriel W. Medeiros
JEL Code(s)None Assigned

Metropolitan Area Disposable Personal Income - Methodology and Results for 2001-2002

The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) publishes annual estimates of state disposable personal income, the difference between state personal income and state personal current taxes. BEA also publishes annual estimates of personal income for sub-state areas, but BEA does not publish corresponding… Read more

Ann E. Dunbar
JEL Code(s)D31

Linking Frascati-based R&D Spending to the System of National Accounts

This paper provides a framework for translating research and development expenditure data organized based on the Frascati Manual to a measure of gross output consistent with The System of National Accounts 1993. This translation sets up the output measures and sectoral framework for the… Read more

Carol Robbins
JEL Code(s)None Assigned

R&D Expenditures for the U.S.: A Frascati to System of National Accounts Application to U.S. Data

This paper translates research and development expenditure data organized based on the Frascati Manual for the U.S. to a measure of gross output consistent with The System of National Accounts 1993. A set of detailed tables translates U.S. survey data on the performance of R&D from the… Read more

Carol Robbins
JEL Code(s)O34

Comparing Price Measures—The CPI and PCE Price Index

Brian C. Moyer
JEL Code(s)None Assigned

The Response of Prices, Sales, and Output to Temporary Changes in Demand

We determine empirically how the Big Three automakers accommodate shocks to demand. They have the capability to change prices, alter labor inputs through temporary layoffs and overtime, or adjust inventories. These adjustments are interrelated, non-convex, and dynamic in nature. Combining weekly… Read more

Adam Copeland, George Hall
JEL Code(s)None Assigned

The Feasibility of Producing Personal Income to Adjusted Gross Income (PI-AGI) Reconciliations by State

This paper studied the feasibility of reconciling BEA state personal income (SPI) and IRS adjusted gross income (AGI) at the state level. After reviewing data sources from BEA, IRS, and other agencies, it was concluded that it is feasible to prepare accurate reconciliations of state level wages… Read more

Robert L. Brown, Ann E. Dunbar, Adrienne T. Pilot
JEL Code(s)D31

Globalization, Offshoring, and Multinational Companies: What Are the Questions, and How Well Are We Doing in Answering Them?

This paper identifies key questions that are being asked about globalization and MNC’s and then reviews the types of statistics that are required to answer those questions. The paper goes on to assess whether the statistics collected by the Bureau of Economic Analysis are adequate to address… Read more

Ralph Kozlow
JEL Code(s)F23

Accounting for Nonmarket Production: A Prototype Satellite Account Using the American Time Use Survey

J. Steven Landefeld, Barbara M. Fraumeni, Cindy M. Vojtech
JEL Code(s)None Assigned