This page provides access to papers and presentations prepared by BEA staff. Abstracts are presented in HTML format; complete papers are in PDF format with selected tables in XLS format. The views expressed in these papers are solely those of the authors and not necessarily those of the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis or the U.S. Department of Commerce.
Integrated Industry‐Level Production Account for the United States: Intellectual Property Products and the 2007 NAICS
Ongoing structural change in the U.S. economy due, in part, to globalization, the spread of information and communications technology, and the Great Recession, has reinforced the need for an up‐to‐date decomposition of aggregate GDP to industry‐level sources of growth. This approach, typically… Read more
Offshoring, Sourcing Substitution Bias and the Measurement of US Import Prices, Real GDP and Productivity
The decade ending in 2007 was a period of rapid sourcing substitution for manufactured goods consumed in the US. Imports were substituted for local sourcing, and patterns of supply for imports changed to give a large role to new producers in emerging economies. The change in the price paid by… Read more
Introduction to Measuring Wealth and Financial Intermediation and their links to the Real Economy
This introductory chapter to the NBER/CRIW conference volume that is forthcoming from the University of Chicago Press contains an overview of the papers that were presented at a meeting of the Conference on Research in Income and Wealth in November 2010 and that are included in the conference… Read more
Health Insurance and the Demand for Medical Care: Instrumental Variable Estimates Using Health Insurer Claims Data
This paper takes a different approach to estimating demand for medical care that uses the negotiated prices between insurers and providers as an instrument. The instrument is viewed as a textbook “cost shifting” instrument that impacts plan offerings, but is unobserved by consumers. The paper… Read more
Defining Disease Episodes and the Effects on the Components of Expenditure Growth
To better understand productivity and inflation in the health sector, health economists have advocated tracking the cost of treatment by disease over time. However, there are several methods for measuring the cost of treatment, and little work has been done to understand how different approaches… Read more
Supplemental Poverty Measure: A Comparison of Geographic Adjustments with Regional Price Parities vs. Median Rents from the American Community Survey
One of the innovations of the Supplemental Poverty Measure is to make adjustments in the official poverty threshold to account for geographic price level differences, particularly for differences in the cost of shelter as measured by rents. A more recent initiative is to estimate thresholds that… Read more
Domestic Trade in Services in Regional Input-Output Models
Lack of statistical data on interregional trade in services often leads regional input-output (I-O) models to rely on assumptions about the degree to which services are imported from other regions. One advantage of using an I-O model is that it provides the flexibility to tailor the basic model… Read more
University Contribution Studies Using Input-Output Analysis
Many universities report results based on input-output (I-O) analysis to promote the contribution that they make to a regional economy. How these results are obtained is not always clear. Nor are they always based on best practices. This paper presents best practices when using a regional I-O… Read more
State and Local Government Defined Benefit Pension Plans: Estimates of Liabilities and Employer Normal Costs by State, 2000-2011
In the 2013 comprehensive revision of the National Income and Product Accounts, BEA introduced a new accrual treatment of defined benefit pension plans based on actuarial estimates of liabilities and normal costs. Accrual accounting is the preferred method for compiling national accounts because… Read more
Accounting for Intellectual Property Products: International Guidelines for National Economic Accounting and U.S. Rules for Financial Accounting
The international guidelines for national economic accounting recommend capitalizing expenditures related to intellectual property products (IPPs) in some cases where U.S. rules for financial accounting require immediate expensing of the same expenditures. This paper outlines the international… Read more