This page provides access to papers and presentations prepared by BEA staff. Abstracts are presented in HTML format; complete papers are in PDF format with selected tables in XLS format. The views expressed in these papers are solely those of the authors and not necessarily those of the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis or the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Experimental PCE-by-State Statistics

This paper presents a preliminary methodology and estimates for an experimental set of data on nominal personal consumption expenditures (PCE) for eight categories of goods, seven categories of services, and net expenditures of nonprofit institutions serving households (NPISHs) for fifty states… Read more

Christian Awuku-Budu, Ledia Guci, Christopher Lucas, Carol Robbins
JEL Code(s)E21

A Multivariate Approach to Seasonal Adjustment

This paper suggests a new semi-parametric multivariate approach to seasonal adjustment. The primary innovation is to use a large dimensional factor model of cross section dependence to estimate the trend component in the seasonal decomposition of each time series. Because the trend component is… Read more

Ryan Greenaway-McGrevy
JEL Code(s)None Assigned

Integration of Micro and Macro Data on Consumer Income and Expenditures

Macro estimates of household income and expenditures from the Bureau of Economic Analysis measure aggregate and per capita averages, but provide no information on the distribution of income, which is important in the measurement of economic well-being. Micro estimates of household income and… Read more

Clinton P. McCully
JEL Code(s)E01

A Regression-Based Medical Care Expenditure Index for Medicare Beneficiaries

We construct a disease-based price index for Medicare beneficiaries using data from the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey from 2001-2005. We create the index by modeling total health-care expenditure as a function of the diagnoses of 27 illnesses. The coefficients from the regression are used… Read more

Anne E. Hall, Tina Highfill
JEL Code(s)None Assigned

Do Physicians Possess Market Power?

We study the degree to which greater physician concentration leads to higher service prices charged by physicians in the commercially insured medical-care market. Using a database of physicians throughout the entire United States, we construct physician-firm concentration measures based on… Read more

Abe C. Dunn, Adam Shapiro
JEL Code(s)I10

Measuring “Factoryless” Manufacturing: Evidence from U.S. Surveys

"Factoryless" manufacturers, as defined by the U.S. OMB, perform underlying entrepreneurial components of arranging the factors of production but outsource all of the actual transformation activities to other specialized units. This paper describes efforts to measure "… Read more
J. Steven Landefeld, Brent R. Moulton, Fariha Kamal
JEL Code(s)None Assigned

Home Productivity

This paper examines the productivity of home production. I calculate annual home production output and productivity for the United States from 1929 to 2010. Both labor and total factor productivity increased rapidly after World War Two, but slowed after the late 1970s. The household sector is… Read more

Benjamin R. Bridgman
JEL Code(s)D13, O33

Export Mode and Market Entry Costs

This paper provides intangible trade data for an important U.S. export industry during a period when official data are very thin. It examines what modes firms use to export intangible assets. It uses a novel data source that provides very detailed information on export modal choice and market… Read more

JEL Code(s)None Assigned

Industry-level Output Price Indexes for R&D: An Input-cost Approach with R&D Productivity Adjustment

The expanding recognition of intangible assets in the production of economic output brings renewed attention to difficult measurement issues. Price and quantity measures are needed to incorporate these components of real investment in the national accounts. This paper describes the construction… Read more

Carol Robbins, Olympia Belay, Matthew Donahoe, Jennifer Lee
JEL Code(s)O34

Developing a Framework for Decomposing Medical-Care Expenditure Growth: Exploring Issues of Representativeness

Medical care expenditures have been rising rapidly over time and in 2009 health care accounted for 17.9 percent of GDP, but there are many areas where we have an incomplete understanding of spending growth in this sector. This is especially true of the commercial sector, where our primary data… Read more

Abe C. Dunn, Eli Liebman, Adam Shapiro
JEL Code(s)I10